Solstice Report
It's been about three weeks now since my debut novel, More Bugs, officially "came out," though in many cases this means copies are still travelling through the postal system, making their way to smaller shops, sitting in people's to-be-read piles, etc... In one sense it's been huge and exciting: my first big festival event! Reviews and ratings starting to come in! Seeing my book face out or on the table of local bookshops! But also, because the process of reading a novel is far from instant, it can also feel weirdly quiet.
As before, the book is available direct from the publisher, through, and by request at any chain or indie bookstores in your area if they don't already stock it (which also helps by demonstrating interest in a small press' new release). The Goodreads page is also up and running now too, which is a great place to leave a rating or nice comment if you liked it (and I won't suggest any action if you hated it, lol).
Some more blurbs and reviews have also come in since last time:
An insightful and thought-provoking portrait of suburban alienation and longing with a delightful dash of body horror. Through engrossing prose, Reed stealthily weaves the impossible and everyday to reveal the suffocating dread of our personal histories. -- Eve Harms, author of Transmuted
With relatable characters and subtle speculative and horror elements, More Bugs intricately explores the isolating feeling of returning home as a stranger. As the seemingly suburban tale unravels, the book takes a satisfying turn into the surreal, delving into the dark desires that come from being tempted by the uncanny and unknown. -- Lyndsey Croal, author of Have You Decided on Your Question
But I was most moved by someone expressing their appreciation through my website's old school guestbook:

Cymera was great! The panel I was on tied together some really interesting work thematically, and I got to talk a lot about the inspirations for setting and character in More Bugs. I also got to sit in on some other interesting panels on sci-fi and publishing. Having my first signing was a little awkward... there's actually a bit more to think about then just putting pen to paper. But I did get an insect stamp set to add a little bonus to any future signings:

The next confirmed event for the book will be at Knight Errant's table in the Dealer's Room at Worldcon, where I will intermittently be present to sign books. There will also be some more events and bookstore signings later in summer/fall, so keep an eye out for more emails about that!
Otherwise, things are going well! My partner's major project for the last four years, Anthology of the Killer, has been released and is getting lots of positive buzz. We also got to go to MP's fantastic Glasgow gig. I've been spinning their new album, as well as the new stuff by Shellac and Shannon and the Clams.
The last three weeks have also been a huge improvement in recovering from the radical reduction I underwent earlier this year. I feel a lot less timid about moving my body around, the scars are chilling out, and my energy levels are, well, better than ever! Even though I described it as an instant improvement, I feel like I'm just now beginning to appreciate life with just over 2 kilos off my chest.
Anyways, because you read this whole thing, here's a sneaky link (that's what you call it nowadays, right?) to a PDF of the zine about my reduction that I debuted at Glasgow Zine Fair this year. It went over really well so is technically out of print for now, but I'm still proud of it.
It's halfway through the year! My resolutions this year were to take care of the surgery and get my ear pierced (done and done) but also to finish a draft of my second novel and pick up rollerblading again. I haven't done the last two yet but plan to dig in to at least one this evening...
Hope you are all well, and thanks for reading!